
Showing posts from January, 2022

Best Budget AMOLED Smartwatch? Xiaomi YouPin Mibro Watch X1 Review

This is the? U pin me bro. X1. The amiibo watch x1 currently costs under 50 quid from retailer aliexpress and yet, despite this, it boasts an amoled screen. Youve got lots of fitness tracking features, the 24 hour, heart rate tracking, all that good stuff and surprisingly good battery life too, but its not all glitter and sunshine. Of course, you do have to take the rough with the smooth as far as budget smartwatches go and the u pin mibro x1 watch is no exception. This is a full on touring review anyway for more on the latest and greatest tech. Please do poke subscribe and ding that notifications bell cheers so first off actually setting up the mibra watch. X1 is an absolute piece of piddle. All youve got to do is download the mibra fit app. This is supported by android and ios, just download from the usual app store. Youve got to sign in or get registered with an account. Then the two will pair up in a minute or so super easy. My me bro watch did have to perform a couple of updates

Riego automco con Arduino UNO

Hacer la maqueta. Esta va a ser la maqueta, la puede, decorar como queris vale material y piezas, para hacer, esta maqueta como yo que vamos a utilizar contrachapado todas las piezas que veis son de contrachapado, las medidas de las piezas, pueden variar segn el tamao de la maceta de estas. Piezas estas medidas […] The post Riego automático con Arduino UNO appeared first on Arduino Coach .